Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Huge Fjord and the Atlantic Ocean Road

July 5, 2012

This blog entry contains the highlights from a shore excursion bus tour of one of the largest fjords in Norway.  Because it's so big, it looks more like a lake and it doesn't have that carved-out feel that most of the other fjords have, which you can see in my other entries.  Nevertheless, it has it's own beauties, and perhaps more importantly, it sustains so much more life that the typical Norwegian fjord.

 These white bales are bundles of grass.  The farmers save all the grass that grows in the summer to feed the animals through the winter.

Stave Church
 St. Olaf is credited as being the Norse King who brought Christianity to Norway.  Eventually, the churches that came about in Norway were called Stave Churches, and they looked a little like this.  These are actually pretty conservative looking ones.  Most had fire breathing dragon decorations on the outside.  (I'll post those pictures in a few days.)  Inside the churches, you will always find a boat.  Ever so present in the minds of these people was the ship.  In this case, I think it symbolically represents the journey from this world into the next.

Inside a Stave Church

All churches in Norway have a boat inside.
See, another boat.

Fish Farms!

Llamas!  Not native, just some guy's pets.

An old quarry (for people who like rocks).

Marcy looking out at the Atlantic Ocean side of the Atlantic Ocean Road
On our way back to the port, the buses took the Atlantic Ocean Road.  This is an incredible series of roads and bridges that span an archipelago in Norway connecting two major cities.  On one side you are looking at the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other side you are looking at the fjord.  Look how calm the water is!  And how close!  This road is incredible.

Yes, I was there.

Let me get out of the way for this picture.
A Video is worth 1,000 pictures!

Rocks and Roads!

These purple flowers are all over Norway.  I like them.

Home, ship, home.