Saturday, May 10, 2014

Patmos, the Island of Exile

Patmos, the Island of Exile

What is on the Island of Patmos?  Really not much, but that is how it has always been, and that is how it continues to be today.  It's a place you can go to get away from it all, or in John's place, it's a place you can go while you wait for the current emperor to die, and in the meantime receive the Revelation.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The main mountain (or hill) of Patmos has a feature that is common amongst the islands of Greece, and that is the confusing-as-heck neighborhoods that only a local can navigate.  This absurd layout of city streets served as the number one anti piracy device employed by the locals.  Pirates would just have no clue where they were going, as we experienced ourselves on this day.

We went up...

And then down.
Down, down, down, the rabbit hole...

Really no clue where we were going.

So, we asked one of the locals, but none us spoke dog Greek, so we just named him Patmos, and he followed us around the rest of the day.

Finally, we stumbled upon the cave, *ahem* cave?  Okay, well it's a house now, but it's the cave where John received the Revelation.  So it is said.

No photographs inside, so here is an overexposed picture of me with a flash that lights up the inside of the house-cave.

In side, and to the right, in the corner opposite the entrance, there is a little indentation in the wall with a rock that kind of looks like a pillow.  They say that this is where John laid his head when he slept.  Not very comfortable.  Now, no one can say for sure that this is the exact place where the Revelation was given to John, but it is the island, and it is the mountain.  And at the very least, it is the place chosen to commemorate the event, and that is pretty cool.

But, unfortunately, they close early.  Sorry, Marcy!

So, what do you do after a day of getting lost on top of a mountain in an old maze of a city?  You head back down to the port cafe's and enjoy good Greek food and wifi, of course!

Tzatziki!  Order it every time.  Just do it.

Pork Souvlaki and the best tasting tomatoes of your life.

Honey and walnut crepes, and wifi.

Next time:  The Island of Mykonos!  One of the top 10 islands of the world.

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