Friday, November 15, 2013

Exploring the Azores (with a little Bermuda on the way).

The irony of this moment is that today I'm blogging about Portugal from Portugal.  I happen to by staying in Lisbon today waiting for my flight to Ireland.  But the events that will be described took place over six months ago.

But first, I remember that after two days of sailing from Ft. Lauderdale, we made a little overnight stop in Hamilton, Bermuda.

April 6-7, 2013
Hamilton, Bermuda.

Just about everyone from the ship went to this one little club across the street from the ship.  It essentially just became the crew bar all over again, only there were a lot of locals looking at our women.  So, we had to stay close.

Marcy and Reid had a different idea.
Don't worry, he's gay and she's not interested.
So, we went and crashed their hotel for the wifi.

Since this was my second time to Bermuda, I was using it mostly to catch up on my blog, this blog actually.  So, I posted a great many pictures of this place already in an earlier post.  But since this was Jennifer's first time, she went out and had more of a grand adventure, and I would encourage you to check out her perspective on this Bermuda trip: Jennifer vs. the World: Bermuda.

After Bermuda, there were FOUR sea days before we hit land again (that's actually not bad).  So, guess what happened?  Party in the electrical workshop.  If you look closely, it looks a lot like the club in Bermuda, which looks a lot like the crew bar.  The only difference is that in this room, you can't hear anything because the music is too loud.  Also, Captain Pontillo attended this party, so attendance was almost mandatory.

Four days later, land ho!  (A preferable alternative to your common ship ho).

Well, the Azores, which technically belong to Portugal.

April 12-13, 2013
Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal

First of all, this was another overnight trip, but on the first day, I had IPM, which meant I had to stay on the ship until 6am the next day.  Apparently, this was one of the most fun nights to be out having a good time, and thankfully, my good friend Jennifer captured it all, so once again, I encourage you to follow another one of her links: Jennifer vs. the World: Ponta Delgada.

To make up for my inability to leave the ship the day before, I signed up to escort one of the tours hoping that this will maximize my exposure to the Island in the little time we had before sailing away.

♫Stop, ♪ in the name ♪ of love♫.

I love this picture because it reminds me of the plazas in Mexico, especially one in Los Reyes, Michoacan.

Now this church had something interesting about it.

 So far, everything looks kind of normal, but then in the back you notice this area that's blocked off with a grid.

So, you look through the grid and you see this whole other room.

But then when you zoom in your camera, you see this crazy elaborate jeweled Jesus down at the other end.  Apparently, that's what's being guarded.  I should go look for my tour escort notes, so that I can remember what this is all about...

Okay, so I lost that page.  Anyway, what I remember is that this island was in some kind of trouble, and at that time they were gifted this elaborate Jesus.  And so the people paraded it around and prayed, and they were spared of whatever impending doom was upon them.  And as a result, they redo the processional every year in remembrance.  In fact, we were there very near to the event, so all over the city you could see people preparing.

Anyway, back outside.  Now, isn't this the smartest thing?  The streets of Ponta Delgada are clean due to the invention of the poop bag!

 Sure, the mosaic looks pretty, but let me tell you, this is not the country in which you want to be rolling around your luggage.

This guy must be important.  (Referring to both pictures, above and below).

And this would be the "Botanical Garden" part of the tour.

As you can see, it was nice, and pretty (translation: somewhat boring).

And then, all of a sudden, BAM!  Giant tree with roots!  (Made the tour worth it).

Am I in Fern Gully?
But you don't have to take my word for it.  Let's listen to the guy in the video.

(Please watch the videos, they save me a lot of typing).

Good thing I was prepared with waterproof jacket and umbrella!

 With the tour over, I find myself back on the ship.  But that's not the end of my Ponta Delgada experience.  One of the great things about being on a cruise ship, is the perspective that you don't often get of a city, and that perspective is the one from the sea.  Look how much you can see from a ship.  Sail ins and sail outs are things that you absolutely cannot miss.
When not perfect weather gives you the perfect picture.


I'm not done with Portugal, not in the least.  Some of my best adventures have taken place in this little but great country.  This post is just a preview.  I will try to put the rest of my Portugal adventures into the next one.

Next time: Lisboa, Cape St. Vincent, and Portimão.

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