Monday, November 18, 2013

The Fellowship of the Ring finds a Puppy in St. Tropez.

April 25-27, 2013
St. Tropez, Monaco, and St. Tropez

Look how easily happiness can be achieved in life.

And look how easily it can be taken away...

Such is life.
Anyway, today we set out on an adventure to explore St. Tropez, France.  So, after we had our ice-cream, we walked though the city, and then we walked away from the city.  We walked, and walked, and walked.

 Stopping occasionally to take pictures.
I applied at this place, but they said I was already too cool for them.
 We continued to walk, and walk, and walk, thinking that we might at least find a taxi.

Eventually, everything paid off for us when a pathway opened up to the left, and we found a beach, and a little dog that would change our lives forever.

After that, guess what we did.  We walked...all the way back, putting us now in a calorie deficit (Oh yeah!).  More Ice Cream, thanks.

That same night, in Monaco...

The very next day, we have embarkation duties, but thankfully, the sail away is not until late, so Gabriel and I, in our brief moment of free time, run off to find some food.

We find a place selling dessert.  Good enough!

More Ice Cream!
And I order a Crepe Flamée au Grand Marnier.

The next day, back in St. Tropez.

Gabriel, Jennifer, and I look up and notice a for/citadel type thing on a hill above the city, so we decide that our goal for the day will be to climb up to it.

On the way, we see a very interesting hat shop...

After taking the twists and turns through and up the little streets of St. Tropez, they way finally opens up and we see the rest of the route up to the top (I already am deciding the ice cream flavor I will buy when I get back to the port).

We continue climbing...

Finally, at the top, Gabriel starts to get into position for the many pictures we will be taking of him on his iPhone for him to HDR later and put up on facebook.

But, I decide to take this one instead.

Jennifer also decides to climb into position.
 And who can blame her?

It really is a beautiful place.  Sometimes, you just need to get out of the tourist trap, and walk.

We walk all the way around the citadel to take in the pathways and the views from all sides.
I could get used to this.

This time, my obligatory shot of the ship comes with extras.

Back at the port, I find an interesting statue.
 And as luck would have it, at that very moment, the model for the statue walks by!

Another beautiful day in St. Tropez.  And thank you, God, for the rainbow.

Bonus Video!
Rebecca Franz Photo Shoot in St. Tropez

Next Time!
Portofino: Maybe your favorite place, but NOT OURS!!!

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