Saturday, May 11, 2013

What is there to do in St. Croix and Tortola?

There's something about the Virgin Islands that I don't understand, and I'm sure it can be cured with one quick glance at wikipedia, but I'm feeling lazy right now, so I will continue to ponder: why are they called the Virgin Islands.  Whether they be US Virgin Islands, like St. Croix, or British Virgin Islands, like Tortola, I have a theory that fits for both.  They're called the Virgin Islands because no one ever goes there.  Unfortunately, I don't mean this in the, "Oooooh, private beach" sense.  I was actually thinking more in the "Booooring," sense.  I could be wrong though.  Why don't you see for yourself.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Frederiksted, St. Croix, USVI

This day, I gave Marcy my camera, and this is what she took:

Okay, so far.

Hmm, just like the comercials.

A place to hang out with friends.

Always take more than one photo.
 By the way, the locals pronounce their Island "Saint Croy," instead of "Saint Crwa."  Just thought I'd point that out.

The sign says, "Wall of Lost Souls."  Okay, that's clever.
When she got back to the ship, she convinced me to step outside and walk around a little bit, we went to the store, and I bought some coconut water.  The coolest thing about the day though were the pelicans we walked by.

I bet you'd like to see these in action.  Well!  That can be arranged:

On Saturday, November 17, we stopped by Ft. Lauderdale, where I had Apple mail me my first laptop.  I got the latest MacBook Pro Retina Display, and doubled the RAM.
I'm pretty happy about this.

Now there are two in the cabin!

Friday, November 30
Road Town, Tortola, BVI

Oh, Tortola BVI.  There are wild chickens, and um... Hmm.  Good day to stay on the ship.

Later that night, someone would steal my camera.  No pictures for a month until I buy a submersible water camera.  Don't worry, I didn't go any place new between now and then.  In a way it was like a mental vacation.  It's kind of nice to be out places and NOT thinking, "Oh, I have to get a picture of this."

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