Sunday, August 19, 2012

3 Weeks of Rehearsal

Just kidding!  Let's make that only two weeks and a few days of rehearsal.

We were flown to beautiful Redwood City, California, knowing from the very beginning that we weren't going to have much time, and unfortunately our rehearsal start date got pushed back squeezing us even more than we had originally anticipated.  So, now I'm really wishing that we would have been sent the music ahead of time.  But, oh well.  This would be our first test, I guess.  Just a handful of days to learn three shows.

That's right: THREE SHOWS.

Signed Sealed Delivered - A Motown Show
High C's - Opera Show
fABBAlicious - take a wild guess.

Needless to say, it was a period of high stress.  But obviously we did it.  I mean, here I am writing in past tense.  Looking back on it now, yeah, I have to admit: I don't think I have ever been stretched that much before.  I'm a pretty laid back get-the-job-done-in-its-own-sweet-time kind of guy.  That small interval of time squeezed every last bit of blood, sweat, and tears out of me.

Anyway, we managed to squeeze in some breaks here and there.  Here are some pictures from that time.

 Leaving LAX in the middle of the night, or morning.  Can't tell.

How do you prepare for a six month adventure?

Pack anything and everything.


Arriving at the San Fransisco Airport.

Okay, I'll confess: not all of the bags are mine.  Three are mine, and three are Marcy's.  (But just so we're clear, a large portion of my luggage space is dedicated to Marcy's shoe collection).  No joke.
 We arrive in Redwood City and are dropped of at the beautiful Pacific Euro Hotel.

Correction, it's a hostel with shared bathrooms.  But, you don't complain because you're grateful for the job, and you're not paying for it.

Marcy and I decided to dedicate one room to the luggage and one room to live in.  This is the one we lived in.
This is the face of a man who has just
discovered that he doesn't like fois gras.

 No matter how stressful the situation,
There's always time for wine.

We rented a living room so we could all
watch the Tony's together.

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