Monday, August 20, 2012

First day, first port.

June 19, 2012

When I think of my first port, I don't think of Copenhagen, which my be funny to some of my readers because for weeks I had been telling people, "I'm flying to Copenhagen."  But really we just flew in, took a cab to the ship, embarked, and had one crazy first day of getting oriented.  First you have to set your stuff in one room while the other cast leaves, then you have to visit HR, do paperwork, and get photographed.  Then you have your first of many safety orientations.  Then 5 o'clock, excuse me, I mean, 1700 rolls around and you're thrust into conducting the life boat demonstration like you've done it a million times, and 45 minutes later, you're singing in front of the guests for a segment called, "Taste of things to come."

Did I mention that we haven't really slept or rested since traveling?  Actually, Marcy had a brilliant plan, and it almost worked.  Our last night in the states, we took sleeping pills and knocked ourselves out at about 7pm.  Then we woke up for breakfast at In-N-Out right before it closed at 1 in the morning, and we stayed up and packed our stuff.  Then we stayed awake the entire flight to New York just so that when it was time to fly to Copenhagen, we could take another set of sleeping pills, get knocked out the entire flight across the Atlantic Ocean, and then wake up like it's a brand new day in Copenhagen without any jet lag.  Well, it almost worked out like that.

Let's just say Copenhagen was a blur, it might as well not have even happened.

In my mind, my first port was Warnemunde, Germany.

 Eating pretzels.

So, I guess I have this thing where I like to run into town and take a picture of their church.

Expect to see lots of churches.
Aww, cute little German street.

Warnemunde is actually a cute little touristy port town, but on this day we ran past all of that stuff and wandered around where there were fewer people.  We had a nice time.  And then it was straight back to the ship for more of our crazy first week.

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